Crash opening Soul City in 4.19

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 15, 2018

This does not reproduce in 4.18.2 I spoke with Tim G. from the tools team and we tried a few things. 1stOpened LV_Soul_Slum in 4.18Exported the landscape height mapOpened a level in 4.19 and impor ...

"Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1" Setting causes Force Feedback events to be incorrectly routed

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 13, 2018

The engine still uses the default index for calling force feedback events, despite them being assigned from player 1 on out. Which is why event on player 1 goes to player 0, event on player 2 goes t ...

UMG element clipping does not work on Galaxy S8 (Mali)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 13, 2018

UMG clipping requires stencil. Seems like we don't request stencil when creating backbuffer Changing const int EGLMinStencilBits = 0; to const int EGLMinStencilBits = 8; fixes this. ...

VehicleGame cannot Compile in the Editor if it was created with a name other than "VehicleGame"

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 12, 2018

Attempting to compile a VehicleGame project will fail if it was created with a name other than "VehicleGame". ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UpdateRefToLocalMatricesInner() [skeletalrender.cpp:202]

OLD - Anim - Mar 8, 2018

No user comments in the crash group ...

Actor in Map in Struct Causes Crash When Changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2018

User submitted bug. Editor will crash after changing key or value in Map. ...

UHT fails when building in VS if a function tries to return a UEnum pointer

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Mar 7, 2018

UHT will fail during build in Visual Studio if a function tries to return a UEnum pointer. Adding a valid keyword before the return type will compile successfully. ...

Transform key don't visible when Import From Animation Root

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 7, 2018

Transform key don't visible when Import From Animation Root. This problem happen from 4.17. 4.16 is visible. Case:4.16[Link Removed] ...

Transform Track can't be edited for empty actor when reopen sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 6, 2018

This is a remaining issue of [Link Removed]. It became able to edit transform track. But, transform track can't edit when reopen after once save. ...

Possible to have a null AudioComponent in ApplySettings

UE - Audio - Mar 5, 2018

User is having issues where they are getting crashes in ApplyVoiceSettings. This should only ever be called from FVoiceEngineImpl::SubmitRemoteVoiceData. In that method, if no SynthComponent is av ...