Relatively consistently (3/5), after one haptic effect plays, pressing the button to call another won't trigger another haptic effect. Seems to be tied to Set Haptics by Value, Play Haptic Effect d ...
"LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'XMPP' not found" warning in log file of blank packaged project Issue referenced by this JIRA: ...
When Capsule Direct Shadows are enable, attempting to play in Mobile Preview will cause the preview to crash. ...
REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3031272 BROKEN: 3031715 Print String will no longer print on the screen once the user simulates in viewport. Play in viewport will work, but once simulate in viewport happe ...
If a third-party plugin is present in a project that is being packaged with the Nativize Blueprint Assets option turned on, the packaging process will fail because necessary header files in the plug ...
Particle system light's module does not use Lighting Channels. The particle system itself will accept lighting from it's assigned lighting channels but the lights spawned from the particle system, n ...
Sliced procedural meshes do not trigger component hit events if they don't simulate physics. This seems to only occur with non-physics based hits (such a movement). When Simulation Generates Hit E ...
With a project built from Source on a PC, when rebuilt in XCode on the Mac, more than one user is unable to package the project for the Mac with very similar failures in the build logs. (*See attach ...
After slicing a procedural mesh, the cap on the sliced end does not seem to be affected by lighting. This can result in the end looking dark. ...
Using a translucent material with a 0 opacity does not seem to be working when using a retainer box that is attempting to apply it to the image. When the material is set to additive or masked, it w ...