Broken dither opacity on skeletal mesh

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 16, 2022

FFieldPath resolution doesn't handle redirection

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2022

A licensee has found that redirectors don't apply to FFieldPath. We should integrate it with the following changes:It needs better error handling (looks like it could infinitely recurse),The change ...

The collision is wrong when the static mesh scale is set as negative value

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 15, 2022

I checked the c.haos code quickly. I think it caused by the function "bool FInitBodiesHelperBase::CreateShapesAndActors()". In this function, the CreateActor_AssumesLocked function will ignore the s ...

UE5 Main - Editor crashes when creating a Data Table

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 14, 2022

Doesn't occur in UE5 Release or UE4.Can't attach logs/crash information I'm encountering an RHI crash within UE5 Main at the moment. This issue seems to be caused by a commit from last year that ...

Import with New File option for Anim Sequences does not function

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Feb 14, 2022

The "Reimport with New Source" functionality is currently not functioning in the Editor. When selecting the option with a clearly edited Anim, it is not updated. There is no message in the Output Lo ...

MoviePipeline Project Settings can't refer to Plugin classes

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 12, 2022

A workaround might be to use the CDO of your plugin to reach out to the Editor settings and assign itself to the fields you want. This removes the users ability to choose between multiple options. ...

Branching point notifies can lose their linked montage

UE - Anim - Runtime - Feb 10, 2022

Currently UAnimSequenceBase::OnModelModified assumes that a notify is linked to a sequence and not a montage. This causes branching point notifies to lose their linked montage when being updated an ...

AssetManager ModifyCook does not correctly apply PrimaryAssetLabel references

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 10, 2022

Right now the AssetManager uses different logic in ModifyCook vs VerifyCanCook, specifically related to secondary assets like textures or maps that are indirectly loaded by soft object paths and are ...

Adding a key to an Absolute transform section will accumulate an extra transform offset when a transform override is set on a sequence. With attach track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 10, 2022

This is similar to [Link Removed] but still reproduces with an attach track. ...