Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldContext pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter (line trace, execute console command, etc) in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldConte ...

Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 13, 2017

Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS. In this test the material applied to an image does not appear to lerp between 0 and 1 for the various objects in the scene, implying that the Scene depth ...

LIVE: Crash when stopping simulation after using Keep Simulation Changes feature.

Tools - Nov 10, 2014

A user is experiencing a crash when using the "Keep Simulation Changes" feature in the Editor after running a simulation of their project. The user allows the simulation to run briefly before pressi ...

Behavior of NewBinding and ExistingBinding are different inside Shot track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 6, 2018

When using NewBinding, the bind does not work properly with the level sequence specified by ShotTrack. The cause is that Guid of ExistingBindingID will be empty when passing through ActorPicked in ...

Widget Components Add Thin Black Outlines to Images

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 13, 2019

When a slate element that uses a png with a transparency the edges have a black outline. When the Widget3DPassThrough material is applied to the widget the effect is lessened, but is the outline sti ...

Custom Mesh Component gives incorrect bounds

OLD - Anim - Jun 16, 2017

Custom Mesh Component > Get Component Bounds gives incorrect bounds > Box Extent User Description: [4.16.1] Using "Get Component Bounds" on a Custom mesh component gives unusual numbers for the Bo ...

World Space Transparent Widgets Have Motion Blur

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 24, 2020

When a world space widget has their blend mode set to transparent they look blurry in motion. The effect is more pronounced when the camera rotates instead of when it is translated. Found in 4.24.2 ...

Output Log In Engine and In Local Log File Are Inconsistent

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 21, 2020

The Log Timestamp doesn't display in local time when "Log Timestamp Mode" and "Display Timezone" are set to "Local Time". Found in 4.24.2 CL#11100242 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.26 Main CL#1 ...

Crash when interacting with an Actor containing an Instanced Static Mesh that is in a Locked level

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 30, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Editor crashes with an assertion after interaction with an Instance Static Mesh component that is in a locked level. This doesn't af ...

Sometimes CharacterMovement stops at very low steps (quite lower than Max Step Height).

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jul 11, 2016

Sometimes CharacterMovement stops at very low steps (quite lower than Max Step Height). Capsule radius of Character is 50cm, Max Step Height is 45cm, step heights is around 10~30cm, MaxWalkSpeed is ...