Setting the SetActorEnableCollision blueprint node to false does not disable collision for a destructible mesh. Workaround: Adding a static Mesh component and setting any mesh will cause the collis ...
The attached project crashes when you use the RunClient.bat and attempt to host a game. This brings up a loading screen, which then crashes before it is ever displayed. I have been unable to reprodu ...
Enabling Use Pawn Control Rotation on a SpringArm component does not set the rotation values to zero. Subsequently disabling Pawn Use Control Rotation make rotation of the component impossible until ...
Packaged games do not display PlayerName correctly using Steam OSS. Does not occur in Standalone. Test project attached. To test, package for Development > Win64. When run (with the Steam client op ...
[Link Removed] ...
When a project is opened in the 4.11 preview on Linux, the boarder for the splash screen will remain open until manually closed (right click->quit). ...
Non local players cannot hear opponents footsteps and other various notifies, however, other sounds such as gunfire, etc. are present. Regression: User reports this issue is not present in the 4.8 ...
If a player places multiple player starts into a level and rotates them the server will be rotated as expected when spawning in, however the following clients that spawn in will not be rotated. ...
After adding C++ to a content-only project, Create Session no longer works in a packaged game. The following warning appears in the log: LogScript:Warning: CreateSession - Invalid or uninitialized ...
The Skylight actor has minimal effect on indirect lighting compared with 4.10.1 and the Indirect Lighting Intensity slider has no effect at all. Image attached for comparison bwtween 4.10.1 and 4. ...