When using a math expression node within a blueprint, the project will fail when packaging. ...
Adding array element of instanced meshes during simulation does not increase amount of elements in array. Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
Text UMG isn't showing up on HTML5 when it's packaged and ran on the browsers. This has only been seen on HTML5 so far. ...
Static mesh socket updates do not appear in BPs unless you recompile ...
Virtual loops continue to be displayed in Audio Insights even after the sound has stopped being active for certain cases. This also occurs when stopping PIE while a sound is virtual. The sound will ...
It appears that MRQ does not actually add the pass that updates the Water Info Texture in the WaterZone actor. If the Skylight is set to "SLS Captured Scene" and does not capture every frame, then t ...
Renaming a variable in a parent blueprint will reset the value of that variable for any child blueprint based on the parent within the level viewport. ...
Scaling objects via a timeline scales past the intended value when attempting to scale to 0,0,0. Instead of ending at 0,0,0 the scale will be set to an extremely small negative value such as -.0019, ...
Landscape material layers show "none" after generating weight blended layers in landscape paint mode. The landscape layers are painted as normal but do not show that any layer is assigned. ...
The 'Now' node does not return the correct time if ran through a 'Print String'. (NOTE: However, the 'Utc Now' node does return the correct time.) ...