Second issue arises when I have already created localization related files when not connected to source control, so they are not marked to add. Gather Text commandlet log has theese lines in it: [2 ...
First one happens on a clear project without any localization settings ever made. Gather Text commandlet log has theese lines in it: [2015.06.16-13.21.56:396][ 0]LogInit:Display: SourceControl:Err ...
The MainMenu widget isn't loaded when the player returns to the MainMenu map from the InGame menu in Multiplayer Shootout. This happens in PIE and in a packaged project. Reproduced in 4.8.0 and Mai ...
Characters with disabled Net Load on Client are loaded twice on a Standalone Client. This does not occur on the Server. This only occurs in Standalone, not in PIE nor in packaged games. Reproduced ...
When you render out a movie from a Matinee, the painted Vertex Colors on a Blueprint does not render, the meshes in the Blueprint revert to imported vertex color. Also Reproduced in 4.8.0 and Main ...
If a user decides to use Tortoise SVN, the error messages given for needing to have things checked out is inconsistent. If there is a blueprint which references another blueprint, and the reference ...
A crash occurs after dragging an 'Empty Character' actor into the viewport and attempting to add the 'PuzzlePlayerController' as a component by dragging it into the components list via the 'Details' ...
If the input pin of a GetScreenSpacePosition node is right clicked and then the user presses "split struct pin", the pin will disappear. Workaround: Press refresh node in RMB context menu. ...
Crash occurs if the Recast Navmesh is set to Dynamic and the BehaviorTree runs a 'Does Path Exist' decorator. Crashreporter info: [Link Removed] ...
Any build after the first fails to start in the browser, this happens with new projects as well. He also included his project on the AnswerHub thread and it's downloaded onto my computer if he delet ...