Using 'Show Collision' in an execute console command node is crashing a packaged project.

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 30, 2015

When packaging a project for any platform, If you have 'Show Collision' in an Execute Console Command, you will see the project crash once it is packaged. Log files from the crash have been attach ...

Sound Mix Modifiers do not properly affect Sound Class

UE - Audio - Mar 30, 2015

Sound mixers do not properly override variables within a sound class. This prevents users from being able to modify variables such as volume or pitch quickly and efficiently by using the push/pop st ...

FDateTime is not correctly formatted by As Date Time when using any dates before January 1st, 1970

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Mar 30, 2015

FDateTime is not correctly formatted by As Date Time when using any dates before January 1st, 1970. From a conversation on Slack with MaxP: this is probably an underflow the ICU based string format ...

Rendering out PNG Sequence from Matinee yields Transparent PNGs

Tools - Mar 30, 2015

When rendering a movie out as a PNG sequence, the PNGs are all rendered with Transparency and require the addition of a Black layer before the frame can be viewed as in the Matinee. Went back and t ...

Cannot connect to source control on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 30, 2015

Pressing the "Connect to Source Control" Button on a Linux project does not open the "Source Control Login" window. Looking at the Message Log for source control it says that "Source Control is dis ...

Sample game headers aren't set up in an extensible way

Docs - Samples - Mar 30, 2015

Our sample games all seem to use the semi-deprecated Classes folder for their headers, and many of these headers omit a #pragma once (or other header guard). This means that they don't play nicely ...

Default Value for a Linear Color input inside of a function is a text field instead of a color picker

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 27, 2015

The Default value inside of a function for a linear color input is a text field instead of a color picker. ...

Changing code based component category causes component to become ineditable in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 27, 2015

When a component written in code has it's category setting changed in blueprint the rest of the details for that component will not be editable once the component is deselected and reselected. ...

Attempting to use the GameplayTags module in a binary code project will result in build failures in Visual Studio.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 27, 2015

Using the GameplayTags module in a code project created with the binary version of the Engine results in a build failure in Visual Studio. The following error is shown: 1> D:/Epic Games/4.7/Engine ...

Assets Named with "~" or placed in Folders with "~" cannot be used

Tools - Mar 27, 2015

Using an asset with a "" character located in its name, will not allow that asset to be assigned to any other asset's input. For example a Texture with a "" in its name cannot be assigned to a Mate ...