Crash occurs when removing the native root component from code and then attempting to reopen a Blueprint Class asset that was based on the native parent class. Seems like maybe the 'AttachParent' f ...
When a bool variable is defined in code, changing the default value of the variable does not update on a hot reload This is inconsistent with other variables types that update their current value w ...
A crash occurs when reimporting a SpeedTree asset after clearing the material billboard element and setting it to the default world grid material. The licensee reporting the issue mentions to worka ...
Non-Ray Tracing Shadows are only cast from lights on meshes assigned to the same Lighting Channel. When enabling Ray Tracing Shadows this is not the case. Lights will still cast Ray Tracing Shadows ...
If a sound starts playing while the listener is inside the binarual radius, the sound stops abruptly when they leave the radius. Does not occur if the listener starts in the binaural radius. Does no ...
It's possible to have the Audio Meter widget stop responding if you set the Gain really high. It will cease to work as long as the MetaSound window is open. Closing and reopening the MetaSound windo ...
If a code defined function that takes in a parameter is called from blueprints, the BP node will show the input pin for the parameter. If the parameter list is changed after the node is created and ...
Child Actor Components run their construction scripts upon parent's placement in level. However, these specifications are not maintained once PIE is initiated. ...
If a local variable set variable is copied/pasted over to a second blueprint and the input pin is promoted to a local variable, compiling the blueprint will cause a compile error to appear until the ...