ShowOnlyInnerProperties doesn't work when the struct in question is either in an array or in an outer struct in an array. (There may be other broken cases as well.) Example: USTRUCT() struct Str ...
This is in general not encouraged, but should not crash. The reason it's crashing is that in UBehaviorTreeComponent::Tick we process node ticks first and then try to access InstanceStack[ActiveInst ...
If a user manually created a UBehaviorTreeComponent for his custom AI controller, but forgets to set AIController.BrainComponent to point at that BT component then a fair amount of assumptions break ...
Attempting to create a class with the parent set to Trigger Base, Trigger Box, Trigger Capsule, or Trigger Sphere will fail to create the class ...
Construction Script fires multiple times when the Const Script is compiled. If the character is moved on the grid in the level, it will only fire once. It only seems to be an issue on bp compile. ...
IgnoreActorWhenMoving node doesn't work if the actor variable is set per instance. ...
A Mesh that is attached to a skeletal mesh by a Socket will not accurately follow when transitioning from animation to ragdoll. This is potentially due to the Frame Delay that the engine uses. ...
When using a Blueprint to Spawn an Actor Class then using a Set Material Node, the engine will register a material change but will only show the World Default Material. Also Reproduced in Main Prom ...
The OncTextCommitted event for the Text Box executes multiple times. Testing has shown that it will execute 2-5 times with only one submission. It should only be executing once per time text is subm ...
When an Arrow Component is added to a blueprint and made visible in Game, a GPU Particles collision will fail until the arrow component is outside the Camera Frustum or turned back to hidden in game ...