Camera behavior mismatch between PIE vs Packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Feb 19, 2015

When a camera is setup in code with GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->SetViewTarget(this); the camera will work in the editor but a packaged version of the game has a black screen. ...

If a custom code class is modified and a Hot Reload performed, any existing unsaved Blueprints derived from that class can no longer be saved.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2015

When a custom code class is changed and a Hot Reload is performed, any Blueprints previously made from that class can no longer be saved. Possibly related to [Link Removed]. WORKAROUND: Close and ...

Performing a Hot Reload after changing a custom component code class can make the component unusable in Blueprints, or crash the Editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2015

Performing a Hot Reload after altering a custom component code class can make the component unusable in Blueprints, and even crash the Editor. WORKAROUND: Close and re-open the Editor. ...

setting Simulate Physics and Set Actor Location And Rotation in code causes crash on project load

UE - Gameplay - Feb 19, 2015

If an actor's Simulate Physics and ActorLocation/Rotation properties are set in code the editor will crash immediately upon launch / debug in VS. ...

Parent Begin Play node does not appear to run the parent code class BeginPlay() function before the rest of the Blueprint's Begin Play functionality

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2015

If a Blueprint event graph contains a Begin Play node that connects to a call to the parent function, the functionality present in the Blueprint Begin Play segment is run before the parent Begin Pla ...

Inconsistency is docking location when opening assets

Tools - Feb 19, 2015

When opening materials, textures and meshes the tab that opens will randomly either dock to the main editor window or open as its own window. User's video highlights inconsistency. ...

Hot Reload crash with Scene Component tied to Actor class

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 19, 2015

After creating a Scene Component code class and an Actor code class, creating a reference to the SceneComponent in the Actor class constructor will cause a crash on hot reload in the editor. ...

first struct variable not shown by Intelisense

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 18, 2015

When invoking a custom struct, the first listed variable will not appear in the Intelisense window. ...

Fix delegate problems with Blueprints

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 18, 2015 Blueprint MyCharacter is based on native class CodeFirstPersonCharacter. CodeFirstPersonCharacter has compone ...

FIXIF: Using the Merge Blueprints feature crashes the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 18, 2015

Using the Merge Blueprints feature crashes the editor. This repro is for clicking between the error and warnings while merging, but the editor will generally crash if the Merge is finished or if an ...