Placing a section at the end of montage is not properly handled

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Feb 24, 2024

Placing a  section at the very end of a montage with no duration or animation assigned after it is not properly handled.  Normally sections with 0 length are skipped and search continues since they ...

MustBeMappedGUID errors after several seamless travels

UE - Networking - Feb 19, 2024

This seems to be the same issue as was reported in [Link Removed], as enabling net.ResetAckStatePostSeamlessTravel resolves the issue. However, it was recently reported that disabling net.FilterGuid ...

NMT_Failure message not received on client when listen server shuts down

UE - Networking - Feb 6, 2024

Shutting down a dedicated server seems to result in the expected behavior, where both messages are received, but it may be possible for the circumstances causing the issue to occur on a dedicated se ...

Include option to use ViewTarget's location when determining relevancy

UE - Networking - Jan 26, 2024

When determining relevancy for an actor based on distance, the location of the player's view point is always used if it is available, rather than the location of the view target (see FNetViewer and ...

Warning spam when binding the "Frame" property of the HeterogeneousVolumeComponent on the Sequencer

UE - Niagara - Cinematics - Jan 24, 2024

I think it doesn't like the "bPlaying == false" expression for the EditCondition meta tag on the UPROPERTY... You also get these warnings every single time the Sequencer plays through a keyframe on ...

Blueprint Instanced Variables Data Erased

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 17, 2024

Instanced variables were given a fix in response to this issue: [Link Removed] Once implemented, when the project is compiled the data from the blueprint instanced variable is removed. A recommend ...

Bug with setting the ChildActorClass in ChildActorComponents in Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 10, 2024

It's impossible to set it back to None. Also, if the original blueprint had something set in ChildActorClass, it will be impossible to set a placement of it to None. I looked at it briefly in the de ...

GetMonitorSizeFromEDID may fail to acquire the native resolution for ultrawide monitors

UE - Foundation - Dec 20, 2023

For some ultrawide monitors, UE may not correctly fetch the native resolution. GetMonitorSizeFromEDID attempts to retrieve native resolution from the Detailed Timing Descriptor of the EDID, but thes ...

Multicast RPCs called from standalone instance are not recorded into replays

UE - Networking - Dec 13, 2023

This seems to have regressed because of the fix to [Link Removed]. Because UWorld::InternalGetNetMode now only returns the DemoNetDriver's NetMode when it is recording and in its tick, the multicast ...