It is possible to rename a Function Output the same as a Local Variable, which causes a compile error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 15, 2015

It is possible to rename a Function Output the same as a Local Variable, which causes a compile error: Error Internal Compiler Error: Tried to create a property TestVar in scope NewFunction_0, but ...

Custom Blend Graph cleared after switching Blend Logic

OLD - Anim - Apr 15, 2015

User is not happy that the Custom Blend Logic Graph is cleared out if you accidentally switch the Blend Logic back to Standard ...

profilegpu should not crash when run on mobile platforms

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 15, 2015

We don't have gpu timings on mobile/tiled gpus so we should just print a message that says that is not supported; right now it'll crash trying to run a shader. ...

The "Is Pressed" node does not return true while using the virtual joysticks

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 15, 2015

If the user is pressing a button and then uses one of the virtual joysticks the "Is Pressed" node will return false even if the user is still holding down the button. ...

Blackboard keys in hierarchies do not get updated on editor changes to parent BB asset

UE - AI - Apr 15, 2015

Editor-time changes to parent BB asset do not get propagated to derived BB assets. ...

Opening the editor with -opengl4 causes the viewport camera to go black

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 14, 2015

If the -opengl4 command is used while launching the editor it will cause the viewport to go black if something in the level is selected or while using RMB to look around the level. ...

PerceptionSystem crashing on removing a listener as part of DestroyActor call

UE - AI - Apr 14, 2015

User reported a crash in UAISense_Hearing::OnListenerRemovedImpl when perception listener is being removed as a response to DestroyActor call. ...

Text in Content Menues for 21:9 Ultra-Wide Screen are Stretched

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 14, 2015

A user has requested further compatibility support for his Ultra-Wide monitor. I attempted to troubleshoot the users issue but we have no ultra-wide in house to test the issue. We lack the document ...

Transitions broken after deleting a state and hitting undo

OLD - Anim - Apr 14, 2015

In a State Machine, deleting a state and hitting undo causes any transitions that were attached to that state to become broken. They appear as the circular transition node icons, but aren't connect ...

Crash in Persona when adding Notifies

OLD - Anim - Apr 14, 2015

REOPENED NOTES: Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Test Project: [Link Removed] Open project and press Play: Editor will crash. User reports this being due to sequential animations not being the sam ...