User reported a crash in UAISense_Hearing::OnListenerRemovedImpl when perception listener is being removed as a response to DestroyActor call. ...
A user has requested further compatibility support for his Ultra-Wide monitor. I attempted to troubleshoot the users issue but we have no ultra-wide in house to test the issue. We lack the document ...
In a State Machine, deleting a state and hitting undo causes any transitions that were attached to that state to become broken. They appear as the circular transition node icons, but aren't connect ...
REOPENED NOTES: Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Test Project: [Link Removed] Open project and press Play: Editor will crash. User reports this being due to sequential animations not being the sam ...
Setting Ignore Base Actor Rotation to false continues to ignore base actor rotation when standing on an object that is spinning. ...
If the user takes an image and scales it large enough the image will begin to get smaller until it completely disappears. Example: If the image is 100 by 100 in size the image will completely disapp ...
Changing the Root of a reparented Blueprint crashes the editor with no Crash Reporter dialogue. Log from 4.7.5 attached. Reproduced in 4.7.5 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2507843) ...
Physics Thruster actor does not affect destruction meshes that it is attached to. ...
In the static mesh editor, choosing the Auto Convex Collision from the Collision drop toolbar and selecting apply will immediately crash the engine. ...
Objects with a bezier curve modifier register as having no triangles when imported to editor from Blender as an FBX. ...