There have been a number of complaints about the time it takes to build projects on the Mac - the consistent theme as in the additional URL - is that the editor is thrashing compressing textures. It ...
Calling the r.DistanceFieldAO command does not work in Shipping Game. It is being called from inside the level blueprint with the "Execute Console Command" node. In the example projects I have it ...
Occasionally the player capsule can be launched due to bImpartBaseAngularVelocity being enabled in the CharacterMovementComponent. Disabling this does not result in the character capsule being launc ...
The step button claims that it does (and it should). ...
Setting a restitution of 1 for a ground material and a restitution of 1 for a ball that bounces on the ground should keep the ball bouncing at the same height consecutively. Over the course of time ...
Given two Material Instances of one material applied both to a Blendables Array only the second (last applied) will be applied to the post process volume. With the same setup, two Materials will st ...
Timelines are displayed as [Unamed TimelineComponent] in the Details view. Renaming the Timeline in the Blueprint has no effect. Reproduced in 4.7.3 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-24874 ...
When playing the user's project in editor vs Packaged, there has been different results for the enemy projectiles and how they are shown on the screen. When In editor, any enemy projectile will dama ...
When placing a billboard in a level (via a blueprint) with an orthographic camera, the billboard will not be rendered unless a significant distance in front of camera, comparing 4.61 project with th ...
If a user uses a multi layered material to pain a landscape and then deploys this project to an iPhone 6 plus our an Android Samsung Galaxy Note3 (SM-N9005) parts of the landscape will appear to be ...