Adding a media track(.mp4/avi) into a level sequence causes the editor to hang when scrubbing the timeline, or enabling/disabling the media track. ...
When you delete and replace an asset with the same name, P4 will pick up the delete but not the add. It was mentioned that there is a P4 command (something like "reopen as add") that should be used ...
Via UDN: As has been discussed previously here and in CL 20055361, debug information is sometimes missing when compiling with Clang. We've pinpointed this to debug information not being emitted fo ...
If "Editable when Inherited" is disabled for the static mesh component the issue does not occur. The bug could be related with other UDN cases: ...
Moving a Montage Segment in an Anim Montage via section frame causes the Montage Segment to snap back to the beginning of the timeline. ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 A widget that is a derived from a child widget reports component variables as Invalid, while the child and parent of that child will ...
Created based on user report. The constructor of FGameplayEffectCustomExecutionParameters generates a FActiveGameplayEffectHandle that gets put in GlobalActiveGameplayEffectHandles::Map and stays t ...
When the input to a Layered Blend Per Bone node is two instances of the same cached pose, we aren't sampling root motion correctly. In the attached example, the weight on the root bone is 0 and Ble ...
Gameplay Ability System Standalone: Removing an attribute set and then removing an active gameplay effect that has a modifier for an attribute from that set results in a crash. Currently, one must ...
Building derived data for AnimSequence does not create deterministic output. Data that is stored to the DDC is expected to be deterministic. If there is a need to store metadata that may vary betwee ...