Level Object value is lost when a new level is loaded using the same BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 2, 2021

First discovered this on Linux in //UE5/Main. In the repro, you play from level 2; if you opened Level 1 and played from there, the same outcome would occur. LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [Clien ...

Assets with Render in Main Pass disabled show shadow artifacts

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2016

This issue was originally reported specifically for Destructibles, but it appears to affect Skeletal Meshes, and static meshes when selected. When "Render in Main Pass" has been disabled skeletal an ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FUniformMeshConverter::Convert()

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 3, 2017

This is a regular crash that has occurred through 4.16 and into the 4.17 previews. The callstack is similar to [Link Removed] (invalid), although the error message is different. User Description ...

Crash on Mac on exit.

Media Framework - Aug 17, 2020

A licensee reported trouble with a crash on exit on Mac. They discovered that the file AvfMediaPlayer.cpp, on the function Open there is this piece of code:// Force the AV player to not be able to ...

FBX animations generated under fractional framerates fail to import

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 24, 2022

We now have the following error that is generated in FFbxImporter::ValidateAnimStackif (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(SubFrame, KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) && !FMath::IsNearlyEqual(SubFrame, 1.0f, KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER ...

Crash Importing some assets with "Keep Overlapping Vertex"

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 29, 2016

Download offending asset here: [Link Removed] Error message: Assertion failed: NewPosition >= 0 [Link Removed] [Line: 452] Source Context: 438 virtual ~FFileHandleWindows() 439 ...

Build failure after nativizing any child Blueprint class with function override (regression).

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 7, 2018

Nativization regression in 4.20 preview 1. Cannot nativize overridden functions. Log Output:UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): D:/Projects/Unreal/NativizeMethod/Intermediate/Plugins/Nativized ...

FAnimationRuntime::BlendPosesPerBoneFilter() causes an assertive crash when Skeletal Mesh LOD is changed

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 1, 2023

The crash occurs from "check(BoneBlendWeights.Num() == NumBones);" This crash occurs when the following conditions are met;The skeletal mesh LOD is changed.The number of bones is difference between ...

Editor Crashes When Duplicating Actor that Contains Additional Components

UE - Gameplay - Dec 11, 2015

Attempting to spawn a copy of an actor that has components that were added to an instance of that actor in the level causes a crash. Spawning the actor without adding additional components to the in ...