Closing the GPU Visualizer window on Linux causes the editor to crash

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 21, 2015

After opening the GPU Visualizer window, pressing the "X" to close the window causes the editor to crash. ...

Physics enabled Child Actor components that spawn with with a delay, always spawns at world origin

UE - Gameplay - Jun 3, 2016

Physics enabled Child Actor components that spawn with with a delay, always spawns at world origin **This is a regression. It was working in 4.11.2 Could also be related to: [Link Removed] User D ...

Perforce integration creates bad changelist

Tools - May 14, 2019

Perforce integration creates bad changelist when deleting or renaming a file, then renaming another into its place ...

Non-Struct CDO component properties display incorrectly in the property editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 17, 2016

UObjectProperty properties within a UActorComponent class aren't exposed for editing in the Details panel when choosing to edit native component defaults in the BP editor. ...

Unloading level during PIE leads to editor crash

Tools - Dec 6, 2017

Unloading level during PIE seems to lead to an editor crash. Most easily reproducible by enabling malloc stomp. ...

Static mesh component reports relative transform as world transform when Physics is enabled

UE - Gameplay - May 3, 2016

If a static mesh component has Simulate Physics enabled, GetRelativeTransform() returns the value of world transform. ...

A build may fail in Visual Studio if a space is added after the # in an include pre-processor instruction to allow a struct in one header file to reference a struct in the other

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 23, 2016

A project building in Visual Studio will sometimes fail with the error Unrecognized type 'FBar' - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT or UENUM. This can occur in situations where one struct was reference ...

StartCameraFade() breaks on mobile projects after editor is closed/reopened

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 6, 2015

If a project that is set to Mobile/Tablet and Scalable 3D or 2D uses StartCameraFade() to produce a fade in effect, the effect will not play in PIE if the editor is closed/reopened. ...

Values are not copied for a EnumArray that is part of an exposed Struct Variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 21, 2016

Values are not copied for a EnumArray that is part of an exposed Struct Variable; when copying from the Details panel to a copy of the same actor. User Description: If you make an array of custom ...

Crash occurs if the Recast Navmesh is set to Dynamic and the BehaviorTree runs a 'Does Path Exist' decorator

UE - AI - Jun 16, 2015

Crash occurs if the Recast Navmesh is set to Dynamic and the BehaviorTree runs a 'Does Path Exist' decorator. Crashreporter info: [Link Removed] ...