Characters on the client are stuttering fairly severely when interacting with physics objects, especially when their ping is high. ...
For a specific level with a simple BP actor that contains multiple static mesh components, lighting gets unbuilt after reloading the level, even when there is no change in the level. "LogStaticMesh ...
Single Planes do not generate collision on import or with the Convex Decomposition window. Workaround: box Collision can be added via the Collision > Add Box Simplified Collision. I checked as fa ...
Using the GetSubPaths command in Standalone does not return any paths. From the answerhub user's research, it seems that CachedPathTree in AssetRegistry.cpp is not being initialized like it is in ei ...
By default, the local motion controller would move remote player's motion controllers as well. Add the following to the beginning of the tick function in the MotionControllerPawn blueprint makes it ...
I've been looking into replicating HMD movement across the network I found a thread where there was an example "MPRepro" to show the how to do this, but testing that example, I see behavior where ...
Adding various collision types to a single mesh will cause it to hard crash the editor. No Crash Reporter window will open. Note that this happens with the user's mesh, but I was not able to repro ...
The merge actor tool no longer saves additional UVs used for the merged mesh. This was not the case in 4.13, but in 4.14 and later this information is no longer present. Also worth noting is that i ...
The UObjectLibrary::RemoveObject function has mixed up logic inside of it that causes it to remove objects from the incorrect array. It currently removes from the Objects array if bUseWeakReferences ...