Projects with Preferred Landscape Orient set to Left Home Button will still launch on iOS in Right Home Button orientation. ...
The Rhino blocks are imported with the base point at the origin, causing them to import inside of each other when the process is complete. In 4.20 (4.20E4) the blocks are imported apart from each ot ...
Importing large Rhino files will cause the Editor to stall during the import process for a long time. When testing the attached file the Editor stalled close to an hour with no results. The attached ...
Using Tab/Shift+Tab to navigates between all buttons on the player screen instead of the buttons that are constrained within an overlay Tested in 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.2 ...
When users rotate to landscape in QAARApp the apple device will encounter a GPU Hang error and crash.Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Hang Err ...
1080p videos do not play as startup movies, and there is no indication as why given by the editor. 1080p videos will work with media framework. There is no documentation either, so there is no indic ...
User is experiencing an import issue with a 3DS Max 2019 file. Their workflow is as follows and works for all their assets but this one:Original file created in revit 2019Import revit link to 3dsmax ...
When cooking the DDC key for a material layers parameter set may become invalid which causes issues reading/writing to the global material shader map and can lead to a crash. See original UDN post f ...
None of the Set functions in the UWindDirectionalSourceComponent are able to be called from code. The functions can be called from Blueprint, but without the ENGINE_API macro, none of the functions ...
The Editor will hang when using Russian characters for a text variable in a Blueprint. It seems to occur when using the character "л" is used. Only seems to occur once in a project. Found in 4.19 C ...