UMovieSceneTrackInstance::GetWorld() returns nullptr on Editor, so user can't use any function using WorldContext and Subsystem. The following code change may fix this issue UWorld* UMovieSceneTra ...
See steps to repro. Our key recomposition algorithms need to take into consideration the Transform Origin manipulations. ...
Read-only nodes used in math expression should use CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator when appropriate. Even though these nodes can't be modified, there is the occasional need to copy these nodes ...
There is a one-line fix for this in a shader file, see their PR on GitHub: ...
There are issues with the vehicles rendered position when it is being moved in a kinematic manner, i.e, forcibly moving a vehicle (not simulating it) using either FChaosEngineInterface::SetKinemati ...
There is no manual clutch control exposed to users. For completeness this should be available via blueprint in the same way that the settering, throttle and brake are user controlled. ...
UnkownRef Mips is meant to fix/workaround the problem where some textures are used for rendering but they don't have any component references them (such as texture used by PP effects) These UnkownR ...
If a variable is renamed on a blueprint, then any child blueprints will lose their default values for that variable and reset to the parent's default value. This resetting only happens with the Chi ...