Replace with child on subtree of the NamedSlot is broken after reloading a widget.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 5, 2021

"Replace with child" does not work well with the NamedSlot widget after reloading the widget blueprint in Contents Browser. ...

Async Task nodes placed in editor only modules should not issue a warning if the proxy class is set to something in the game module

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Mar 30, 2021

Because the proxy class is set to something within the game module, no warning is placed on the node as the outer package ends up being a valid Runtime module. This should actually be a warning in ...

Seems a bug in UClass::SetSparseClassDataStruct

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 25, 2021

Shader complexity mode reportedly broken on Vulkan

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 23, 2021

Shader complexity reported (on AH) broken on Linux since 4.25. No local repro attempted. ...

Enabling Window Animations causes drop down menus to flicker and be displaced

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 10, 2021

I tested this with 3 Nvidia Drivers to see if I could find a driver that works properly. I tested the following Game Ready drivers Version 457.30, 461.40 and the latest, 461.72. The flicker occurred ...

DynamicMeshBuilder.cpp does not add a value to the InTangentY variable in the AddVertex function

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 4, 2021

This was found as a result of Licensees doing a Code Review of the Engine code. Here's the code snippet in question. It seems to be missing a line similar to Vertex->TangentY = InTangentY;.:  int32 ...

ChildActor is being set to null on client via replication

UE - Networking - Feb 25, 2021

When DuplicateWorldForPIE is called and serializes the references in another AlwaysLoaded sublevel, the properties of a ChildActorComponent are confusingly inaccurate. ...

Virtual textures flicker if physical pool is oversubscribed

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

If a virtual texture physical pool becomes oversubscribed the current behavior is: Log a one time only warning: ''Failed to allocate VT page from pool...' Continue to evict the least recently used t ...

Virtual textures can appear blurry or corrupt in the texture editor view.

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

Virtual textures can appear blurry or corrupt in the texture editor view. [Link Removed] ...