Repro Rate: 3/3 This is a live issue that has been tested to occur in //UE5/Release-5.1 at CL 23058290. This is also confirmed to not be a regression since this issue also occurs in //UE5/Release- ...
Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.1, this issue occurs as well. The shadows render properly for the sphere when Virtual Shadow Maps is set as the Shadow Method, as well as when Ray Traced Shadows ...
When entering Korean in the EditableBox on Windows 11, the two Korean characters after pressing the Space key are not entered. I confirmed that it occurs in UE5.1 and UE5.2, and it does not occur i ...
When editing a Packed Level Actor (PLA) that is inside another PLA, z-fighting or mesh disappearance will occur. More specifically, it is seen when duplicating a mesh inside the PLA, upon saving the P ...
Adding a module which has Required Dependencies (such as "Add Velocity") to event handler stage causes ensureMsg. > > In system /Game/NewNiagaraSystem.NewNiagaraSystem, module AddVelocity (NiagaraN ...
Match3 crashes shortly after being opened on both Android and IOS devices when the experimental blueprints option "Nativized Blueprint Assets" is enabled. Verified that the issue does not occur if ...
When FAssetRegistry::SaveRegistryData() is invoked for a umap redirector it will fail the check check(!bIsMap || (InDependencyType == EAssetRegistryDependencyType::Soft)); Because the redirector ...
A customer has had problems running a game with a splash screen when passing -game flag to the editor. UpdateSpashScreen will call GetCurrentFrame, which can return a nullptr but fails to verify it ...
Playing a sine wave as an audio sample in the editor produces a choppy sound when it does not outside of the editor. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occurs in ...
Alternatively use BP_ParentClassIsMissingType in QAGame ...