Grandchild actor with IsEditorOnly enabled is duplicated during save the level.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Dec 6, 2019

IsEditorOnly is not reflected in grandchild actor when parent/child/grandchild are constructed with ChildActorComponent. This causes the issue that actor will increase incorrect when save the level. ...

Sequencer: Correctly Export Transform tracks with multiple/blended sections

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 5, 2019

When exporting an object or camera with more then once section we currently only just export the first section, not the result of any blended/ overlapping sections or even adjacent sections.  See ...

Crash creating local variable in ABP function

OLD - Anim - Dec 5, 2019

Creating a local variable in an ABP function crashes ...

Editor compile failure in UnrealEngineHTML5 -- unsafe use of type 'bool'

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 4, 2019

Severity Code Description Project File Line Error ...

AudioMixer has private include in public header

UE - Audio - Dec 4, 2019

It is possible to receive a compilation error when including a public header (AudioMixerDevice.h) because it includes a private header (AudioMixerSourceManager.h)  Tested In :  4.22.3 CL#7053642  ...

Shift Fonts Metrics when using a high-resolution monitor

Tools - Dec 4, 2019

[Image Removed] ...

Pasted material function nodes lose their connections

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Dec 3, 2019

The fix for [Link Removed] caused a regression where links to material nodes no longer carry over when a group of nodes is copied and pasted ~ User submitted Image and repro steps appended. I conf ...

Crash on Package When Using Nativizing Animation Blueprint Has AnimGraph Connected with Enum

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 3, 2019

If an AnimNode connected with Enum and AnimBP is nativized, the package will occur crash. Following settings is solve this issue. [BlueprintNativizationSettings] +ExcludedBlueprintTypes=/Script/En ...

Crash when enabling Level of Detail Coloration viewmodes in the Dataprep editor while using DX12

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Dec 2, 2019

Crash when enabling Level of Detail Coloration viewmodes in the Dataprep editor while using DX12 This crash does not occur when the project is opened with DX11. Note that the Dataprep editor does ...