If you disable Support PointLightWholeSceneShadows and try to place a point light in a level the editor will crash. Current work around is put shadows to low from engine scalability settings. Wor ...
Toggling off the Gameplay Filter Tag causes all Content assets to be shown in the Content Browser. This reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) and tested in 4.20 (CL-4212847) and Main 4.21 (CL- ...
The fbx axis rotation conversion is apply twice for socket since they are local to the static mesh ...
Niagara will not work with Volumetric Materials. Found in 4.20 Preview 5 CL# 4173640 and 4.21 CL# 4207835 ...
Geometry from a Rhino 6 file is not importing correctly. When imported it has holes and tears in the mesh. The same file saved as Rhino 5 and imported looks fine. ...
When using a custom stencil on GeometryCache actors it does not work in editor or render pass. Found in 4.20 Preview 5 CL# 4173640 and 4.21 CL# 4198240 ...
Transparency is not being applied to web browser inside of 3d widget on android. Tested with Samsung Galaxy S5 4.19.2 CL 4033788 4.20p5 4173640 4.21 CL 4179794 ...
There's no tooltip info for the Mid node, even though there's a blank space where there should be one. ...
You are unable to track Actors that are in different sublevels when using Cine Cameras. The 'Actor to Track' is set back to none if the target Actor isn't in the same sublevel as the Camera. This is ...