Windowed fullscreen doesn't respect vsync settings

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Oct 31, 2019

When running in windowed fullscreen mode in a standalone build r.vsync 0 is not respected and the game always runs at a locked 60fps. When the game doesn't have focus, for instance when you press Wi ...

FMatrix::ErrorEnsure(const TCHAR* Message) doesn't output TCHAR parameter

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2019

FMatrix::ErrorEnsure(const TCHAR* Message) doesn't output the message passed to it.  Found in 4.23 CL#9631420 Reproduced in 4.22.3 CL#7053642, 4.24.0 CL#9892386, 4.25 Main CL#9892271 ...

BeginPlay not called for Post-Process Anim Instance

OLD - Anim - Oct 29, 2019

Post-Process Anim Instances do not have BeginPlay called. The proposed fix is to addif (PostProcessAnimInstance) { PostProcessAnimInstance->NativeBeginPlay(); PostProcessAnimInstance->Blu ...

Crash on applying animation modifier for some assets

OLD - Anim - Oct 29, 2019

When removing curves on some assets, a crash can occur. This seems to be due to const FSmartNameMapping* CurveMapping being null and dereferenced within UAnimationBlueprintLibrary::RetrieveContainer ...

Opening blueprint macro library opens an unrecognized tab of compiler results

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 29, 2019

When a blueprint macro library is opened, an unrecognized tab of compiler results would open with it. Below is the warning message: LogTabManager: Warning: Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is r ...

Construction script does not properly reset array count

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2019

It appears that in UE 4.23, some specific arrays in construction scripts are no longer cleared automatically and retain references to TRASH objects from the previous construction script calls. This ...

Crash when building lighting with a Basic shape in the level

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 25, 2019

Crash occurs when building the lighting with any Basic shape in the level. This crash occurs with Niagara plugin both enabled and disabled. This issue does not occur in 4.23 Issue only occurs on M ...

Vertex Snapping when moving StaticMesh Pivot has regressed

Tools - Oct 25, 2019

Related UDNs: (2017) [Link Removed] (2015) ...

Mobile Preview - Custom Stencil 4.23 Regression

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 25, 2019

Regression when using custom stencil with in-editor mobile preview. This does NOT reproduce in MAIN at CL 9730599 ...

Montage Root Motion does not work from sub anim instances

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 25, 2019

Root motion from sub instances is not used when the parent instance is marked as 'Root Motion from Montages Only'. Proposed fix is to modify USkeletalMeshComponent::IsPlayingNetworkedRootMotionMo ...