Light injection into the Translucent Light Grid voxels does not use the correct location for clipping or attenuation. Both of these points are outside the voxel that is being updated. Light attenua ...
From licensee: A simple example is setup in the project, the relevant part is just this code: UCLASS(meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent)) class TESTBUGEDITORONLYEDITOR_API UEditorOnlyComponent : ...
AActor::AddReplicatedSubObject will ensure in this case if the actor doesn't set bReplicateUsingRegisteredSubObjectList, but there is no equivalent check in AActor::AddActorComponentReplicatedSubObj ...
AActor ContainsDataLayer Is Slow: Navigation builds are heavily slowed down by TObjectPtr to TSoftObjectPtr conversions when checking if DataLayerAssets contain Users discovered a huge time los ...
In the Android Vulkan Mobile preview mode, when multiple GPU niagara systems are visible and the user moves the camera around the level it can cause a crash, potentially caused by a race condition o ...
Prefix Parameter Names checkbox does not work as expected, and the Group names are unmodified. The value "UMaterialFunction::bPrefixParameterNames" does not appear to be used anywhere in the Engine ...
FGeomTools2D::GenerateConvexHullFromPoints can result in a point cloud that is not convex or doesn't completely cover the full area from the source points. ...
Direct link with macOS Sequoia seems to be broken as Twinmotion cannot detect the Direct Link source, it seems the data is properly written in the cache directory. ...