This is a common crash affecting users in 4.15 and 4.16, affecting over 200 unique users so far. User Descriptionsattempt to import bp from example Source Context 5124 { 5125 // I ...
The 'Shader Complexity' view mode is rendering differently between regular Static Meshes and Painted Foliage instances after enabling 'DBuffer Decals' The user is reporting that this does not seem ...
The splash screen on the iPhone 6s is stretched when loading. Tested alongside the iPhone 5s and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for comparison. The stretching only occurs on the 6s. iPhone 6s: 6240_iPho ...
We're missing settings for iPhone XS iPhone XS Max iPhone XR Google Pixel 3 Google Pixel 3 XL Samsung Galaxy Note 9 We also don't have settings for iPad 5th Gen or iPad 6th Gen, however these would ...
As of 4.9 Dynamic Indirect Lighting with Light Propagation Volumes should be supported for Spot Lights. This does not appear to be the case for several versions that I could see. Using the methods o ...
Sequencer in packaged VR project does not appear to work when using sequence player on begin play. The HMD no longer appears to be affected by sequencer after the project has been packaged out ...
Copying a Static Mesh actor from the level and pasting it into a Blueprint as a component does not retain any of the values of the copied actor. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary, 4.9 Release (//depot/UE4 ...
Editor crashes if a blueprint has "Can Ever Affect Navigation" changed multiple times and is compiled. Crash link: [Link Removed] Frequency: 4/4 ...
Iphone 6 Plus crashes when using +CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFactor=2, but it will run if you use +CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFactor=1. The project linked is set up with +CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFac ...
Using Alt-Drag to move a copy of an actor from the persistent level to a sublevel (when the sublevel is selected as the current level in the Levels window), the persistent level is getting marked as ...