Importing animation onto a camera in Sequencer adds extra keys to the scale and rotation attributes

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 22, 2019

When importing non-baked animation (i.e. not keyed on every frame) onto a camera in sequencer, Unreal adds extra keys to the rotation and scale attributes as if it is baking the rotation and scale a ...

InstancedStaticMesh displaying corrupt lightmap data

UE - Graphics Features - May 17, 2021

I think I narrowed this issue down to bad UV coordinates being interpreted during the BasePassVertexShader execution applied to instancing. At this line in VertexFactoryGetInterpolantsVSToPS: flo ...

FSoftObjectPath::ResolveObject references to the Editor's object in the first frame of Movie Render Queue

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Dec 8, 2023

When implementing a sequencer system that uses FSoftObjectPath to reference an actor placed in a level (at runtime, the corresponding actor is obtained by calling FSoftObjectPath::ResolveObject), Re ...

FNotifyNodeInterface crashes when referenced Notify is invalid

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 1, 2024

Currently FNotifyNodeInterface directly references notifies that live within the related anim sequence.  This can cause intermittent crashes when notifies are removed as the UI can still reference t ...

Compiling twice then pressing play/stop after creating a c++ Game Instance causes a crash

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Live Coding - Jan 24, 2022

This is not a regression. After creating a C++ based Game Instance the Editor crashes if you compile twice then play and stop. ...

Opening a Level inside the ReferenceViewer does not Prompt the Save window if the Level is dirty.

UE - Editor - Applied Usability - Apr 15, 2024

If you right click on a level node in the reference viewer and choose edit, it will bypass prompting you to save unsaved changes in your current level, silently discarding all unsaved work. ...

UE5.4 Regression - crash when disabling shader optimization while raytracing is enabled on D3D12

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jul 15, 2024

Certain interactions between a Rect Light with a Light Function and a Post-Process volume lead to a check() when compiling a Ray Tracing PSO for tracing lights. This check() only happens when shader ...

Cannot generate a callstack from the user's dll

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

The dumplogs and any other logs requested from this user are listed within this AnswerHub post. I do have the DMP logs currently on my PC if you're unable to download them, they're 1.9GB Jarek S. h ...

Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest

OLD - Anim - Jun 5, 2017

Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest. This is most noticeable with the large cube in the 1st Person template project. It also happens with the smaller cubes but not ...

Shadow flicker with dynamic lighting at low cascade levels when FOV changes

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 1, 2017

When using low shadow settings there is a flicker that occurs when changing a camera FOV, the flicker will end as soon as the FOV has finished adjusting to the new FOV. This can occur when:Using a ...