This is a regression. Maybe Binary only if it hasn't already been fixed. Tested in:StreamCLTypeResults//UE5/Main18386535PerforcePerformance is normal after screenshot//UE5/Main18218925Perforce Per ...
The following code fixes the tilt : void UTargetingSelectionTask_AOE::DebugDrawBoundingVolume(const FTargetingRequestHandle& TargetingHandle, const FColor& Color, const FOverlapDatum* OverlapDatum) ...
Hello! In UE 5.5 Preview, new stylus code was introduced, which can cause a test failure in an unrelated test suite, Editor.Plugins.Tools.Modeling.EditorMode.ExtrudePolygons.*. The test indirectly ...
With a large snap scale just selecting the uniform scaler will make the content scale to 0. It seems like it is far too easy for meshes to accidentally be scaled to 0 with snap scaling. Another exa ...
Sometime recently, the behavior of changing a static mesh changed. A very common operation is to want to change a mesh, while keeping material override. Here I have a sky mesh, and the material is ...
This is an infrequent crash coming out of the 4.17 release. User DescriptionsNICE PIN FIX NOW I CANT ADD VARIABLES NORMALLY Source Context 612 void UEdGraphPin::SerializeAsOwningNode(FArch ...
There is an issue where you cannot specify a specific location for a windowed packaged game when using a command line to open the project, the project will move to that position for a brief moment b ...
Running destroy component with construction script placed on level blueprint does not destroy component when it is nativized. It works correctly with PIE and Not Nativize. Also, if the actor that wa ...
Following code fixes this issue in FQuadricSkeletalMeshReduction::ReduceSkeletalMesh Section.ChunkedParentSectionIndex = bIsChunkedSection ? CurrentParentSectionIndex : INDEX_NONE; // ...
Does not occur if the root widget also disables the fast path. As a result, the current workaround is to ensure that the fast construction path is also disabled on the parent widget by making sure ...