[CrashReport] UE4Editor-CoreUObject!UObject::SetLinker(FLinkerLoad *,int,bool) [UObjectLinker.cpp:107]

UE - Foundation - Core - May 13, 2019

Comment from user in crash group:I updated unreal engine to 4.22.1 and changed the project version from 4.21.2 to 4.22.1 and now it crash whenever i open a map Generated from CrashReporter ...

Spawned Actors do not appear in World Outliner

Tools - May 11, 2019

Spawning actors from a Blueprint via the SpawnActorFromClass function at runtime does not cause the World Outliner to update. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.1 (CL - 6063286), 4.23 (CL - 64 ...

Grouped meshes appear to rotate when used in streaming levels

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - May 10, 2019

Grouped meshes appear to rotate when used in streaming levels. If the parent of the group has a rotation, it appears to pass this on to the rest of the group after the meshes are streamed in. As a n ...

Actor Component gets displayed above Scene Component when making a new root

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 10, 2019

Making a scene component the new root component results in the actor component being displayed above the scene component hierarchy ...

Cannot set FVector values in a "Make Struct" node in Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - May 9, 2019

When trying to use any "Make Struct" node that uses vector values, the values typed into FVector fields will reset to 0. This is a regression from 4.21.2 (CL-4753647). This reported and tested in ...

Scrubbing Animation Timeline in Montage does not trigger sound notifies.

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 9, 2019

Scrubbing an Animation Timeline within a Montage does not play a sound for Anim Notifies that specify "Play Sound." ...

Crash: Nativized AnimBP instances can assert on load in a cooked build with async loading enabled.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 9, 2019

This is a regression that was introduced alongside a memory optimization for Animation Blueprint assets. Suggested workarounds:Disable "Async Loading Thread Enabled" ORDisable Blueprint nativizati ...

Sequencer Rendering Bug When Rendering Custom Depth Of Animation Blueprint Preview

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 8, 2019

Having an Animation Blueprint open when rendering a movie using "Render CustomDepth Pass" via Sequencer causes the Animation Blueprint Preview to be rendered rather than the cine camera actor set in ...

Re-opening a Level with Datasmith Animation loses hierarchy

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - May 7, 2019

It appears to be an issue with persistence and the sequencer. If the level is saved and reloaded without opening the sequencer all hierarchy is fineif you open the sequencer, then save the level, ...