Unable to reproduce. User believes it is directly related to the speaker they are using when it goes into standby mode. If they unplug the speaker, everything runs okay. After receiving the warning ...
Much like [Link Removed] (which I'm backing down on my by design claim), there is an issue where if you previously referenced a component that no longer exists, the correct instanced subobject is lo ...
The confirmation message will fails spawning with the following messages in the log: [2023.07.25-20.04.01:038][ 0]LogWindows: Error: Failed to create dialog. The specified resource type cannot be ...
Interface function has the incorrect pin type if referencing self User Description: I have an interface that requires an array of its own interfaces as output. I have that array of interface as a ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.17.0 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack shares some similarities to an older 4.14 ...
IsEditorOnly is not reflected in grandchild actor when parent/child/grandchild are constructed with ChildActorComponent. This causes the issue that actor will increase incorrect when save the level. ...
When we play in editor with the Play Net Mode set to Play as Client, a hidden dedicated server is launched. Previously in 4.24 the dedicated server would always launch with a visible command window. ...
The problem seems to come from a notify having its LinkedMontage set to null when RefreshBranchingPointMarkers() is called. IsBranchingPoint() fails in this case, so it's never registered as a branc ...
The uniform scaling does not work as expected Repro Steps: 1) Add a cube to a level 2) Set the scale (X = 16, Y=9, Z=9) 3) Click the Lock icon to activate the Uniform Scale feature 4) In the viewpor ...
This issue is relatively easy to reproduce, e.g., in the timing of switching between the two types of property operations within the same track. It seems to be easy to reproduce the above problem in ...