Unable to open editor after updating to latest AMD driver

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 30, 2017

After updating to Radeon Software 17.10.3 I can no longer open the editor. This has been seen on both a R9 390X and a R9 290. If I use AMD's Auto-detect software it's recommended version is 17.7.2 ...

When asynchronously loading levels using the "Async Load Primary Asset" node, the dirty flag of the loaded level becomes Enable

UE - Gameplay - Jul 26, 2018

Asynchronously loading a level that has one or more Actors using the "Async Load Primary Asset" node will enable dirty grug for that level asset. The cause is a modified code(CL-3764602) for the [L ...

Datasmith Metadata returned as empty array on Python Import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Oct 27, 2020

Metadata information seems to not be available on import. A user has reported that this was working before but I was able to reproduce the issue in //UE4/Release-4.24 cl 11590370 I am currently lis ...

Connecting GetSequenceBinding node to LevelSequence including Spawnable Actor etc. will result in error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 22, 2018

[Link Removed] ・Open attached project ・Open NewMap ・Confirm that an error appears on the console ・When creating a Windows (64-Bit) package in this state, the same error occurs ...

Wind Directional Source is not updated when changing values via blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 29, 2014

CL: 2306964 Link: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/105058/speedtree-wind-dir-source-actor-not-refreshing-fro.html Description: Cannot set the Wind Directional Source component settings via ...

Unable to PIE + Crash after editing SColorGradingPicker

Tools - Jul 26, 2017

Changing Color Grading settings of a post process volume and using "Enter" to commit changes prevents the editor from entering PIE / Simulate mode with the error message "Can't Play In Editor / Simu ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_MeshPaint!FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForStaticMeshes::OnRemoved() [meshpaintstaticmeshadapter.cpp:222]

Tools - Nov 21, 2017

This is an infrequent crash in the 4.18 release. Users have not provided any description of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 210 if (StaticMeshReferencers) 211 ...

Commonly used blueprint conversion functions should be promoted to top level category

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 16, 2020

Many useful blueprint utility nodes are buried in the Utility category and are not very discoverable by users. This leads to them choosing other nodes that are much less convenient and efficient. Th ...

nDisplay VIOSO Projection Policy broken since 5.0.3

UE - Virtual Production - nDisplay - Nov 25, 2022

Hi Sevan, I think we are having a bug: When using our calibration format “vwf” the image is slightly misaligned. Same calibration exported MPCDIv2 works good in UE. So it seems to be some issue ...

Calling SetupAttachment/AttachToComponent with 'this' as the parent inside a USceneComponent subtype's C++ ctor for nested component subobjects will result in all instances of the nested default subobject trying to attach to the CDO at registration time.

UE - Gameplay - Nov 16, 2016

This occurs because the 'AttachParent' property is a UPROPERTY, and as a result when we create a new instance of a USceneComponent subtype, any USceneComponent subtypes it owns are treated as instan ...