Lags in animation when set leader pose component is used

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 2, 2023 From licensee: "USkinnedMeshComponents have the option to double-buffer their bo ...

Montage Editor calls NotifyEnds of AnimNotifyState even when paused

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 13, 2023

In the Animation Montage Editor, NotifyEnd is unexpectedly called when a time marker is in the middle of an AnimNotifyState and the animation preview gets paused. Because the Animation Montage Edito ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_AlembicLibrary!AbcImporterUtilities::GenerateSmoothingGroupsIndices()

UE - Gameplay - Aug 5, 2016

This JIRA is being entered as a result of it being one of the top crashes occurring in 4.13 Preview 1. Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 833] ...

Static Mesh approximate size can be inconsistent between Content Browser and Static Mesh Editor

Tools - May 3, 2017

The approximate size for a Static Mesh that is shown in the tooltip from hovering over a Static Mesh in the Content Browser and the approximate size shown in the Static Mesh Editor can be inconsiste ...

Landscape BP Brushes in WP map causes changelist validation to fail

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 13, 2022

Using a Landscape BP brush in a WP map causes SCC validation to fail: [2022.05.13-09.04.47:880][473]SourceControl: Error: Changelist validation failed! [2022.05.13-09.04.47:881][473]SourceControl: ...

Current animation asset is lost in animation preview when a post process anim BP is compiled

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 3, 2020

UDebugSkelMeshComponent and PreviewInstance are lost current animation asset. There are 2 ways to fix below void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::InitAnim(bool bForceReinit) { // If we already have Pre ...

Nativizing a blueprint interface using TMap/TSet causes Fatal error in UHT

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 9, 2020

FPropertyBase constructor does not handle a TMap/TSet property. Following workaround can avoid this error. explicit FPropertyBase(FProperty* Property) : PropertyExportFlags(PROPEXPORT_Public) ...

Integrity of AnimSyncMarkers compromised while playing AnimMontage with root motion in server side

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2023

Reference UDN as it explains well the cause of the issue. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_LeapMotion!FPrivateLeapImage::Texture32FromLeapImage()

UE - Platform - XR - May 19, 2016

Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 2707 { 2708 FScopeCycleCounterUObject ComponentScope(Target); 2709 FScopeC ...

Make literal container nodes (e.g. MakeArray) do not cast object ref output terms linked to interface-typed input pins.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2023

As with most nodes, object reference outputs can be directly connected to interface-typed inputs on "make container" nodes (e.g. "MakeArray") if the object's class type implements the interface clas ...