"Consume pointer input" on Common User Widget does not work on iOS, FReply::Handled not respected

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 29, 2024

From a UDN, they also mentioned:  Update: I added CommonUI to the test project to try the "Consume pointer input" setting. It behaves the same way as our custom input blocking widget in that the in ...

USplineComponent still editable in viewport despite setting as "read-only".

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 29, 2024

A spline component continues to be visible and editable in-editor despite all attempts to disable the functionality through the component's settings or uproperty specifiers. ...

Repackaging the same build produces different order of shader code chunks in IoStore container TOC

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 24, 2024

A licensee reported that packaging the build with same content (it is unclear if they were rebuilding the DDC between the runs, but it shouldn't matter) produces a different placement of code chunks ...

Creating MaterialInstanceDynamic for a moving/crumbled geometry collection component, the rendering position is reset to the initial location

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 23, 2024

Creating a MID makes the render state dirty and the engine will recreate a new scene proxy without the current attitude. This results in rendering the object in incorrect location. Here is a tempor ...

Reloading string table assets breaks references to strings and logs warnings

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Apr 22, 2024

When using the "Reload" asset action on a String Table asset, any Text variables that reference the string table would break and say "<MISSING STRING TABLE ENTRY>". ...

PhysicsControl-enabled controls occasionally teleport to origin

UE - Anim - Apr 22, 2024

Occasionally, PhysicsControl controls will teleport to the world origin. This is sporadic and generally fixes itself either with a restart. In the licensee's case, the controls were also animation d ...

Unable to Create New Niagara User Parameter After Deletion without Niagara Editor Window Restart

UE - Niagara - Scripting - Apr 22, 2024

When a user deletes a Niagara User Parameter within the Niagara System editor window, attempting to create a new parameter with the same name immediately after deletion results in an error. Despite ...

Enabling SunPosition engine plugin causes a missing file warning in a packaged build

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Apr 18, 2024

Licensee noted that editor-only code from the Sun Position Calculator engine plugin was causing a warning in packaged builds. A similar issue was reported for 4.22 [Link Removed], but this appears t ...

BP hierarchy change triggers incorrect map actor load warning: AttachTo: '{0}' is not static {1}, cannot attach '{2}' which is static to it.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 11, 2024

When a blueprint's component hierarchy is changed by changing a child component's mobility value to Static while deleting its parent component which has Movable mobility, levels saved with an outdat ...