Integrity of AnimSyncMarkers compromised while playing AnimMontage with root motion in server side

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2023

Reference UDN as it explains well the cause of the issue. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_LeapMotion!FPrivateLeapImage::Texture32FromLeapImage()

UE - Platform - XR - May 19, 2016

Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 2707 { 2708 FScopeCycleCounterUObject ComponentScope(Target); 2709 FScopeC ...

Make literal container nodes (e.g. MakeArray) do not cast object ref output terms linked to interface-typed input pins.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2023

As with most nodes, object reference outputs can be directly connected to interface-typed inputs on "make container" nodes (e.g. "MakeArray") if the object's class type implements the interface clas ...

Graphical Artifacts in Editor with Macs using Certain AMD Graphics Cards

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 17, 2015

Users are reporting black and splotchy like graphical issues in their projects when working on a Mac and using an AMD graphics card. The user in the link provided mentions, "that UE 4.8.3 is withou ...

Crash when enabling dynamic branch on static switches in Post Process Materials

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 28, 2023

[Link Removed] Some functions to access parameters don't take into account the newly added runtime static switch parameters. It should be straightforward to fix these up: void UMaterialInstance:: ...

GAS: AbilitySystem.DebugAttribute crashes client when server added runtime constructed GEs

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 8, 2023

In a networked PIE session, when the server has applied a programmatically constructed GameplayEffect that has duration policy = Infinite or HasDuration, this results in a client crash when the clie ...

Client crashes after second seamless travel when a blueprint manually placed in the world spawns a replicated actor

UE - Networking - Sep 19, 2019

When a user loads into a level that spawns replicated actors using manually placed blueprints twice using ServerTravel with Seamless Travel enabled it will crash. It looks like the engine can't find ...

Material expression If node has been broken, major regression that shipped in 4.6

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 9, 2014

This sounds legit. Anyone mess with the if node recently? There seems to be a regression where existing content is broken. This should be fixed ASAP and patched into 4.6. https://forums.unrealen ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FBatchingSPDI::DrawMesh() [primitivesceneinfo.cpp:47]

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 3, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: Mesh.VertexFactory->IsInitialized() [Link Removed] [Line: 45] Source Context: 32 // Keep a reference to the hit proxy from the FPrimitiveSceneInfo, to ensu ...

macOS build appears to hang due to UBT deadlocking on ps buffer

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Apr 22, 2021

Licensee reports buffer deadlock issue in System/BuildHostPlatform.cs (lines 283-329). Moving Proc.WaitForExit() to after the for-loop seems to resolve the issue for them.publicoverride ProcessInf ...