Using the Merge Blueprints feature crashes the editor. This repro is for clicking between the error and warnings while merging, but the editor will generally crash if the Merge is finished or if an ...
This is a common crash occurring in the 4.17 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 72 float FAnimNotifyEvent::GetDurati ...
When importing a mesh, there is an option to Combine Meshes, which by default is checked. Unchecking this option will bring in the individually named parts contained in the FBX as unique objects in ...
Regression testing done on //UE4/Release-4.27.2 CL-18427296 and this issue did occur. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] Below is snips of customers description and proposed workaround:Importing alembi ...
This is a top crash on Mac. This crash has only occurred on the 4.16.1 release (there are no records of it in 4.16.0). Repro steps are currently unknown, but the crash occurs in Commandlet mode and ...
From UDN Description Hello, there's an ensure that's firing in `DetailLayoutHelpers.cpp#137`: [Start code block] ensure(PropertyNodeMap.ParentProperty == CurObjectNode); [End code block]when ...
Licensee reports the following in the UDN: There seems to be some other erratic behavior when using parenting in world outliner (i.e. drag and drop one actor on another one in world outliner).Since ...
When adding a Uniform Buffer Struct that has one 4x4 matrix to a mesh pass, validation will fail, due to a Uniform Buffer Struct mismatch. This can be reproduced by adding a mesh pass in project-si ...
In UE 5.3, when the option "Always load last project on startup" is enabled and a new Editor launch attempts to automatically reopen the last closed project, the dialog "The following modules are mi ...