Animation Modifiers that contain a null Animation Sequence value cause the Engine to crash when applied to an Animation Sequence

OLD - Anim - Nov 14, 2018

When an Animation Modifier passes a null Animation Sequence value to an Animation Sequence the Editor will crash. This is a regression from 4.20.3 (CL-4369336). This was reported and tested in 4.21 ...

.glTF importer crash - UE4Editor-GLTFImporter!ImportStaticMesh

OLD - Enterprise - Nov 14, 2018

Enabling the gLTF plugin and trying to import a glTF asset results in a crash. ...

Custom Stencil Not Working for Mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 14, 2018

Setting a custom stencil on meshes is not working when using a mobile renderer. This is working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 CL# 4541578 and 4.22 CL# 4556068 This is a regression ...

Adding HISM instance on a Dedicated Server causes a crash

Tools - Nov 14, 2018

Adding an instance of an HISM on a dedicated server causes an assert. Regression?: No This occurred in 4.20 ...

Crash when copy and paste a Child Actor Component in blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 14, 2018

A crash occurs when copy and paste the ChildActorComponent, only if the template actor has a DefaultSubObject. There is no crash in the case of using Actor (eg. AActor) without a DefaultSubObject as ...

UCanvasPanelSlot::PostEditChangeChainProperty does not call Super function

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 13, 2018

UCanvasPanelSlot::PostEditChangeChainProperty not only does not call its Super function unless the anchor node has been set, but it calls Super:: PostEditChangeProperty instead PostEditChainProperty ...

Duplicating a Sequencer causes events from the original sequence to fire when the second Sequencer is ran

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 13, 2018

When using a Sequence that is a duplicate of another, without changing the event names, the duplicate Sequence will still fire off the event from the original even if the values are changed. Changin ...

Crash when enabling "Support Material Layers" and adding an actor with a widget component to the scene

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2018

The editor crashes when adding an actor to the level that contains a widget component (the class has to have been set (if the class is set to none the crash will not occur)) and the setting "Support ...

Overriding a UFUNCTION in a Blueprint results in an empty "Event Graph" category being shown in a Data Asset containing an instance of the Blueprint

Tools - Nov 12, 2018

When looking at the details of a UObject contained in a Data Asset, some categories are shown even though they should not be. If a category is marked as hidden in the parent class, it will be shown ...

Hidden and empty categories of a UObject are shown in a Data Asset's details panel

Tools - Nov 12, 2018

When looking at the details of a UObject contained in a Data Asset, some categories are shown even though they should not be. If a category is marked as hidden in the parent class, it will be shown ...