The Remove-On-Break (ROB) feature, set on Fracture Mode on Geometry Collections (GC), was supposed to make the particle shrink until it vanishes. When the GC goes to sleep the shrinking stops and sh ...
UWorld::ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel and internally, the call to FBodyInstance::OverlapMulti, misses overlaps and blocking hits when the PrimComp's (the component used to test overlaps) mesh uses ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Movie Render Queue Deferred Lighting(Detail Lighting) appears to only output Lighting Only. ...
If a static mesh component has Simulate Physics enabled, GetRelativeTransform() returns the value of world transform. ...
Several users have reported crashes where the Heightfeild loaded from the DDC and physical material list do not match. Suggest adding the number of physical materials to part of the cooked heightma ...
Might relate to issue [Link Removed] - "The Remove-On-Break feature, set on Fracture Mode on Geometry Collections, stops shrinking and shows strange behaviors" The added information on this particu ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16. User DescriptionsTried to edit the VivePreController Meshtried to edit SM_Skysphere after shaders had finished compiling. For no other reason than th ...
Shortcuts do not appear to work for the visual logger in the editor preferences ...
Physics actor with physics toggled will fall through static meshes set to Movable User Description: Basically, what this project does is enable simulate physics on the black cube in the middle, th ...