ShaderComplexity doesn't work correctly with ScreenPercentage Original(ScreenPercentage: 83.33)[Image Removed] ShaderComplexity[Image Removed] ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 ( ...
When exporting a Static Mesh from within UE4 that has multiple materials, some of the material IDs will be condensed into a single ID which will mess up how the material assignment for that part of ...
FKConvexElem::CalcAABB was ignoring the elements currently defined transform, and only scaling. This means that any actor that has a transform (not just Merge Actors) could potentially have very dis ...
The time field of a subtitle is incremented incorrectly at runtime. This is caused by the wrong array being modified by the subtitle manager when queuing subtitles. A fix is provided by the licensee ...
Editor crashes if a bsp brush is turned into a static mesh, then that static mesh is exported from the editor and reimported. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression? (Yes), issu ...
When setting constraints to free or locked the "Angular Rotation Offset" property greys out so it can't be edited. But when simulating it still has an effect. Either needs to not have an effect or n ...
From AnswerHub: Second one is that Motion Vectors are bugged for some objects. This causes lot's of temporal artifacts. Third picture lamp is good example of bug. Lamp is static. Camera is not movin ...
The first problem noted in this Answerhub post: First one is that static shadows from stationary directional light are completely broken. Screenspace buffer that should contain static shadows is ju ...
If a phsyics actor set to start awake is placed at the top of a trigger box, it will remain at rest. Regression? (No), issue (does) occur on 4.10.4 ...