The Hypotenuse Blueprint node currently returns a value of "-nan(ind)" if both values passed into the node are "0.0". This result is correct based on the code that the Hypotenuse node uses, but is n ...
Editor crash when PIEing without ML SDK installed on machine. This did not occur at the same CL on a P4 build. This did not occur on a machine with the ML SDK installed. Does not occur in //UE4/Re ...
Audio tracks can still make noise if their tracks are extended past the end of their playback. ...
Component hierarchy information is lost when modifying an Instance of a Blueprint that Inherits from a C++ Pawn. Specifically, when this instance's hierarchy is modified via the World Outliner Edit ...
Actors added to a layer which is marked hidden/invisible will unhide when loading a map. Confirmed in Main @ CL 4845042 ...
"If you ever compile a Blueprint that you have opened in the Property Matrix, it will lose its connection and variables you change in the blueprint won't be reflected in the Matrix and vice versa le ...
If you disable "Support PointLight WholeSceneShadows" spotlights stop casting shadows. This is working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336. Found in 4.21 CL# 4753647 and 4.22 CL# 4809892 This is a reg ...
Attempting to replace a BSP with a static mesh does not work as expected and results in a crash if a 2nd BSP gets placed in the level. ...
When using a Third Person UE4 Mannequin, Opening the Physics asset tab, and welding the collision between left foot ball, to left foot results in an Engine crash. Additional Note: Using the same ...
Deleting ParagonKhaimera BlendSpace 1D key values while the animation is previewing in Animation Editor will result in Engine crash. ...