Mesh is not displayed when duplicating Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 5, 2018

Mesh is not displayed when duplicating Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh. It is displayed by editing the Transform of Instances. This problem does not occur in 4.19. It seems to happen in 4.20 and ...

PressMethod is not called in UButton::RebuildWidget()

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 5, 2018

The void function UButton::RebuildWidget() does not call PressMethod when rebuilding the widget. Tested  4.19.2 (CL- 4033788), 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.21 (CL - 4537669), 4.22 (CL - 4531805) ...

Vehicle Game - Input Interference when Controller Plugged in

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 2, 2018

GenericUSBController Axis values interfering with input when Xbox Controller is active. (Generic Inputs were added for Switch Support) ...

Data table editor uses property names as column headings

Tools - Nov 2, 2018

The column names in the data table editor appear to directly use the property name instead of the "pretty" version of the property name. If the "DisplayName" meta specifier is used, though, that is ...

bPersistentLines is not respected by DrawDebugLine

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 1, 2018

It looks like the line's lifetime is forced to the default line lifetime of one second if the provided lifetime is less than zero, which would be the case if calling the function with just enough pa ...

Random Sequence Player has a first Pop in animation during Play In editor

OLD - Anim - Nov 1, 2018

It seems that the first time an animation is played, the character pop into place. ...

Gameplay Tag Query using NoTagMatch expression does not construct DebugString properly

UE - Gameplay - Nov 1, 2018

The code in GameplayTagContainer.cpp has code for generating debug strings representing tag queries. Compare the code in EmitTokens in all other queries to the code in UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpre ...

Disabling "Include Debug Files" for a Windows Distribution build does not exclude the debug files

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Nov 1, 2018

The "Include Debug Files" option being disabled is not taken into account for "For Distribution" builds. The debug files are included no matter what this is set to. Regression?: Yes This did not oc ...

GetRandomReachablePointInRadius is displaying non reachable points when radius float values exceed 6000

UE - AI - Oct 31, 2018

When creating an Actor, and placing them inside of a geometric obstacle. GetRandomReachablePointInRadius is giving only non reachable points. The behavior happens when we set our navigational mesh b ...

GoogleARCoreJavaHelper functions are not correctly exported publicly

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 31, 2018

The jni functions in GoogleARCoreAndroidHelper.cpp are not correctly exported, when we tried to build a Test project it failed with this exception:  java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementatio ...