This behavior can pause well for the first time playback, but it will not work for the second time. Also, as you touch the seek bar you will be able to pause. ...
An assertion will occur when packaging if an Actor in level uses "Create Canvas 2D Render Target" Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL 4753647 Blocked for testing in main due to crash when placing ...
The position of game windows from Standalone Game mode are not saved properly when multiple windows are used. The placement of the windows upon the next launch ends up placing all of the windows on ...
"have had to modify UAnimNotifyState_TimedParticleEffect in order to subclass it. I added 'ENGINE_API' and removed 'MinimalAPI'. I also needed to move 'ValidateParameters' from 'private' to 'protect ...
LaunchURL places an http:// at the start of any URL that does not contain :// . This causes an issue with the mailto: command and other commands such as this. Regression?: No This occurs in 4.2 ...
When attempting to package for tvOS or iOS with the generate dSYM options enabled, numerous instances of the following errors occur:[2019.01.21-20.53.35:739][138]UATHelper: Packaging (tvOS): [2019 ...
A licensee has reported an issue where using ABSLOG results in some parsing issues with certain characters in path names. In this example, the issue is with ). If the Parse function ends up parsing ...
Noticing that we do not hear audio when rendering out TM-TrackEvaluation. Oddly this doesnt happen with SubwaySequencer content. Regression: No this occurs with our content in 4.21 as well. ...