Hot reloading newly created C++ project compiles modules

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 25, 2017

This is a regression from 4.15.2 and occurs on both Windows and Mac. Affects both Binary and Github builds. ...

Copy Pose From Mesh Node Does Not Preview in Sequencer

OLD - Anim - Jun 13, 2018

Copy Pose From Mesh node does not affect the animation when previewing in Sequencer. This works when played in the editor. ...

Console is off screen in VR preview when windows scaling is set to 150% or above

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2018

Windows scaling appears to affect the HMD if the project is open on a screen with window scaling being used. ...

"Reimport with New Source" fails on Mac

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 22, 2019

'Reimport with new source' command does not work on Mac. Confirmed in 4.22 @ CL 4771381 ...

Flipbook rendering distortion when adding local offset to Capsule Component.

UE - Graphics Features - May 6, 2019

Adding local offset to Paper Flipbook in UE.4.22 results in rendering distortion. ...

Significant editor slowdowns when moving blueprinted actors while having a different complex blueprint open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 7, 2021

A Blueprinted actor's construction script time can be affected by the complexity of an opened level Blueprint. ...

Assert caused by using FText::FromStringTable to initialize a FText property in the constructor of a UStruct based off FTableRowBase

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 4, 2019

When using FText::FromStringTable to initialize an FText variable in the constructor of an FStruct that inherits from FTableRowBase, an assert is caused due to recursion. The assert is as follows:As ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Kismet.dylib!FTabInfo::OnMouseDownHisory(FGeometry const&, FPointerEvent const&, TWeakPtr<SMenuAnchor,()

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 20, 2017

This is a common crash affecting Mac users in 4.16. It has occurred since at least 4.13 ...

Creating BlueprintActor from EmptyActor produces an Actor with multiple DefaultSceneRoots

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 24, 2020

This does not happen with UE4.22. Maybe related to CL#7462096 and CL#7476283. These are fixes for [Link Removed]. ...

Background blur missing with HDR CompositeMode 1

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 29, 2021

UPD: According to Affects Version field, issue reproduces in 4.26, Regression for 4.27 - No. ...