Remote standalone build of a project fails due to incorrect path to project's Info.plist file

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Sep 17, 2018

Attempting to use UAT on Windows to remotely create a standalone build of a project for Mac fails in 4.19. The error message indicates that it cannot find part of the path to the project's Info.plis ...

InstanceOnly properties are written to a Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 17, 2018

When CopyActorProperties is used with a target being a template such as a blueprint, it can copy and serialize EditInstanceOnly Properties. ...

Selecting with eyedropper tool will select ChildActor

Tools - Sep 14, 2018

It can select ChildActor with the Eyedropper tool. Since ChildActor is an actor created temporarily, when you restart the Editor it becomes empty because there is no reference. When selecting AActor ...

Using 'Set Input Mode to Game and UI' and enabling 'Use Mouse for Touch' causes the Mouse to appear in different positions

Tools - Sep 13, 2018

When using 'Set Input Mode to Game and UI' and enabling 'Use Mouse for Touch' this causes the Mouse to appear in different positions and change the direction the camera is facing. This is a regressi ...

Failed to package for IOS on PC with BuildGraph

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 13, 2018

Scene Depth Buffer corruption with VR on AMD GPUs

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 12, 2018

Depth buffer corruption/artifacts when using VR with certain AMD GPUs Tested with Oculus DK2, User reports with Oculus Rift ...

FBX material IDs from 3DS Max are reordered in automatic LOD generation

Tools - Sep 12, 2018

This appears to be a UE4 bug in the way it handles the importing of FBX Material IDs from 3DS Max exports.Max uses set Mat IDs to organize multiple materials on a single object.UE4 correctly handles t ...

Blueprint Structure Tooltip Edits Get Discarded

UE - Gameplay - Sep 12, 2018

Blueprint Structure tooltip edits get discarded. Current workaround is to make a secondary change that is not needed along with the desired change, Then edit it again to remove the secondary change. ...

Instanced and skeletal meshes produce an overlap but fail to compute an MTD

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 11, 2018

Instanced and skeletal meshes produce an overlap but fail to compute an MTD, resulting in the logging of "OverlapTest says we are overlapping, yet MTD says we're not" in LevelActor.cpp ComponentEncr ...