Packaged project crashes on launch if third string literal in NSLOCTEXT macro is an empty string

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Aug 30, 2018

Using the NSLOCTEXT macro with the third string literal as an empty string causes a packaged game to immediately crash on launch. No Crash Reporter window opens, and no log is created. A sample pro ...

Crash When Loading a SubLevel With HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent and SphereReflectionCapture via the Levels Window

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 30, 2018

The editor crashes when loading a SubLevel with HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent and SphereReflectionCapture via the levels window. Working as expected in 4.19 CL# 4033788 Found in 4.20 CL# ...

Duplicated Editor-Runtime actors won't tick

UE - Gameplay - Aug 29, 2018

When duplicating an Actor at Runtime, the duplicated Actor won't execute any tick events when duplicated from the World Outliner or Alt-clicked and dragged in the Viewport. If the Actor is dragged i ...

Crash caused by Buffer Overread in TBitArray operator < function

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 29, 2018

A licensee has reported a crash that is caused by a Buffer Overread in TBitArray's operator < function. While the licensee did not provide reproduction steps, the crash is apparent from looking at t ...

HISM: Calling UpdateInstanceTransform with a transform only containing rotation or scale would not update the transform at runtime or cooked

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 29, 2018

Calling UpdateInstanceTransform on a HISMC with a transform only containing rotation or scale would not update the transform at runtime or cooked. ...

Memory Leak In PageAllocator When Packaged

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 29, 2018

There is a Memory leak in PageAllocator when packaged. The leak can be stopped if "Landscape.Static" is used in console. Unable to test 4.19 since the provided project was 4.20, but Issue is reporte ...

EQS Context modifications Crashes Editor

UE - Gameplay - Aug 29, 2018

Making changes to the EQS Context and moving the Testing Pawn, the Editor crashes. When reopening the Editor, the context is set and the query does generate from that actor/location. This issue was ...

Shift + Leftclick selection not working in World Outliner

Tools - Aug 29, 2018

The Shift + Leftclick selection range appears to break when selecting something in the World Outliner first followed by clicking something in the Viewport and then shift selecting a range back in th ...

Crash on Level Reload in Standalone when Set Sound Mix Class Override is called

UE - Audio - Aug 29, 2018

When the Set Sound Mix Override is called, reloading the level causes a crash when played in Standalone. Tested in 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.2 (CL - 4302132), 4.21 (CL - 4324949) ...

Incorrect Material Element Indexes When Importing Multiple Meshes In The Same FBX

Tools - Aug 28, 2018

Incorrect material element indexes when importing multiple meshes in the same FBX. If you re-import the mesh that has the incorrect material element index it will correct itself. Seems similar to [ ...