Sound Class Radio Filter Volume Functionality

UE - Audio - Jan 12, 2015

When creating a Sound Class and editing/applying the 'Radio Filter Volume' option, the sounds associated with the sound class seem to have their attenuation settings overridden or mixed in with an i ...

Sync'ing an asset through the editor does not update the asset until the project restarts

If an asset file is checked out / edited in source control and checked back in, others will see the yellow exclamation mark to indicate that there is an update to the asset but choosing to sync does ...

Camera Shot Blend does not work when Reverse Play

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 13, 2024

Camera shot blending on Sequencer does not work when Reverse Play. If we place two cameras in a scene and just blend them by Camera Shot track in sequencer, the view point is interpolated between th ...

Scaling multiple child components within a blueprint will cause their transform to malfunction

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 17, 2016

If the user scales multiple child components and tries to move them it causes exaggerated movement. ...

Using a user generated timeline in blueprint causes an exception in engine code.

UE - Gameplay - May 13, 2015

This crash is caused by an exception that is thrown due to the functions inside of a blueprint based off a user-defined class that is suppose to mimic Timelines. ...

Instance Static Mesh element not rendered if array element is removed and another is added

UE - Gameplay - Dec 5, 2017

Instance Static Mesh element is not rendered if array element is removed and another is added. The collision is still present and the instance count will still register as if the non-rendered elemen ...

Character Movement Mode in Water Volume is affecting all clients

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Dec 16, 2019

Strange behavior concerning Character Movement Network Replication and a Water Physics Volume.  Upon entering water volume, Character Movement mode is set to swimming, however if more than one clien ...

Rotate about axis material node can cause Z-fighting in Niagara mesh particles

UE - Niagara - Oct 21, 2020

The rotate about axis material node appears to cause z-fighting in mesh particles if they are scaled in the simulation. ...