Editor crashes when assigning Landscape layer info while Forward Shading is enabled

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Nov 7, 2017

Crash occurs when Forward Shading is enabled in Forward Rendering Options User noted that if "Support Stationary Skylight" in Project Settings > Rendering > Shader Permutation Reduction is disabled ...

Linux: UI scale is sometimes not 1.0 on non-high-DPI monitors

UE - Platform - Linux - Nov 7, 2017

At the moment, UI scale is calculated on Linux from physical monitor dimensions (obtained ultimately from EDID) and not system scale. The granularity is 0.25, so scale can be 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.2 ...

MediaFramework movies not playing properly in Shipping

Media Framework - Nov 7, 2017

`check(Samples.Pop());` this kind of `Pop()` inside of a `check()` is in a few places in MediaSampleQueue.h and MediaSamples.cpp but `check()` expands to nothing in Shipping/Test, so, required work ...

Incorrect mouse position provided by the Get Mouse Position on Viewport node

Tools - Nov 6, 2017

The Get Mouse Position on Viewport node does not appear to give the correct position of the mouse in the viewport. The further the mouse is moved away from 0, 0, the greater the discrepancy appears ...

Expanding and altering a macro affects other macros in use.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 6, 2017

Using the Expand node feature on a macro from a macro library alters the current functionality of other instances of the macros that are in use(even though the macros themselves have not changed). ...

Hierarchical and normal Instanced Static Mesh Components do not maintain PerInstanceRandom values when transforms are modified

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 6, 2017

When using PerInstanceRandom in a material that is applied to a Hierarchical or normal Instanced Static Mesh component, there are issues of the value resetting when certain transform operations are ...

Reference to child actor is invalid when compiling the parent blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 6, 2017

Reference to child actor is invalid when compiling the parent blueprint. In this example, when compiling blueprint 'A' the print string result will say that "Child Actor ref is INVALID". However, if ...

Crash on opening a pose asset after reloading a skeletalMesh with bone name changes

OLD - Anim - Nov 6, 2017

Opening an old pose asset can crash the editor if the skeleton it uses gets updated. ...

4.18 Linux build errors using clang10

Tools - Nov 4, 2017

(User report) Attempting to build 4.18 Linux using v10_clang-5.0.0-centos7 results in an error: specified path differs in case from file name on disk Note: There is another issue reported in the sa ...

Scroll Widget Into view does not scroll entire widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 3, 2017

When Scroll Widget Into View is called (C++ or blueprint node) the "Target" widget will scroll to the beginning of the "Widget to Find" rather than scrolling until the entire Widget to Find is in vi ...