Crash when changing a Play Node's "Sequence" to a Montage

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2016

I understand that this is not something you're intended to be able to do (Montages aren't used this way), but we should bar the user from inserting a montage into this variable slot. Crash occurs w ...

Using a Macro to access a variable from another Actor causes a crash in Standalone

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 8, 2015

Using a Macro to access a variable from another Actor causes a crash in Standalone. This does not seem to affect any other preview in editor, nor packaged games. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8 Preview 4, ...

[CrashReport] Linux crash - TOpenGLBuffer<FOpenGLBaseVertexBuffer, 34962u, &()

UE - Platform - Linux - Sep 14, 2017

This is an infrequent Linux crash that has affected a few users in 4.17.1 Callstack from Log[2017.09.12-17.23.41:651][ 0]LogRHI: OpenGL MajorVersion = 4, MinorVersion = 5, ShaderPlatform = GLSL_43 ...

Failed to build in Github UE4.27.0.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 30, 2021

Failed to build UE4.27.0 with Win64/Development Editor.  Can avoid this error that excluding the project from build configuration. (Solution UE4->Properties->Configuration Properties->Configuratio ...

Visible dithered quantization to remove banding in New Temporal AA Quality

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2015

Since changing the temporal history buffer to 11:11:10 from FP16, it looks as there is visible dithered quantization to remove banding when rendering. (Taken from conversation on Forum Post linked f ...

Shipping build crash when unplugging then replugging Oculus HMD

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 9, 2016

Game crashes in shipping build when un-pluging the Oculus HMD, then plugging it back in. Confirmed in 4.13.2 from the launcher, did not repro via same steps in 4.14 preview 3 ...

[CrashReport] UEdGraphSchema_K2::PinHasSplittableStructType

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 14, 2017

This crash is affecting a few users in 4.17. ...

Niagara Emitter editor forgets Timeline playback ranges

UE - Niagara - Sep 14, 2020

This seems to only affect an emitter and not a system asset. ...

PlayerController::PlayDynamicForceFeedback called through code does not fire

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 25, 2016

Calling PlayDynamicForceFeedback in code does not affect controller rumble. ...

Physics Thruster has no effect on destruction mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 13, 2015

Physics Thruster actor does not affect destruction meshes that it is attached to. ...