When opening a Level from the Content Browser, the world gets initialized twice. This initialization process can be quite long, especially for big world using world partition. There doesn't seem to ...
When bFailedNavLinkNavLink is enabled in RecastNavmesh, some NavLink points are debugged and others are not depending on the position of the NavLink point. In the sample project, enable bFailedNavL ...
We need to support geometric transform for meshes when importing skeletalmesh ...
SAssetView::SetMajorityAssetType for most asset types randomly picks a visible asset to grab the metadata from, which is what derives the CB columns. This can become a problem if the random asset it ...
A licensee reported errors related to the sarif file when compiling version 5.5 using FASTBuild. The problem is that the FB implementation code doesn't know how to deal with the /experimental cl.exe ...
Mesh Painting Texture Paint tool can miss some pixels along UV seams, even with "Enable Seam Painting" set to True. This appears to be because of the difference between rasterization and sampling. ...
Editor Utility Widgets (EUW) can be used to script editor behavior. One use case is the automation of asset creation. A licensee has reported that when an EUW is used to create an asset, for as lon ...
There seems to be something wrong with how we close menus and submenus as submenus are opened and closed based on mouse interaction. In particular, we seem to sometimes close the whole menu hierarch ...