When viewing the Sphere Radius around a Static mesh actor it appears to greatly exceed the mesh when setting the Z transform to 4 from 1. ...
In 4.19 installations, the Engine/Extras/MayaLiveLink folder is missing. This is preventing users from being able to access it. The release notes state "You can find pre-built binaries of the Maya ...
This does not reproduce in 4.18.2 I spoke with Tim G. from the tools team and we tried a few things. 1stOpened LV_Soul_Slum in 4.18Exported the landscape height mapOpened a level in 4.19 and impor ...
Altering a key in an event track that contains a struck with a static mesh variable will cause the editor to crash. ...
When selecting the Help documentation for the curve editor, it brings up a 404 error page rather than the actual curve editor documentation page. ...
The engine still uses the default index for calling force feedback events, despite them being assigned from player 1 on out. Which is why event on player 1 goes to player 0, event on player 2 goes t ...
I found some typos while going through the readme. 10: "Dewelopment" should be "Development" 33: "Use this settings" should be "Use this setting" 33: "able to server your project" should be "able ...
Numerous LogMetal: Warning: AsyncCopyFromBufferToBuffer on overlapping ranges Warnings Warnings do not appear to be linked to any visual/performance problems in the editor. Could be safely ignored. ...
UMG clipping requires stencil. Seems like we don't request stencil when creating backbuffer Changing const int EGLMinStencilBits = 0; to const int EGLMinStencilBits = 8; fixes this. ...