Transient Subclasses of ABrush default to supporting external packaging

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - OFPA - Aug 29, 2023

ABrush::SupportsExternalPackaging overrides the base implementation of  AActor::SupportsExternalPackaging which returns false for transient actors, but it doesn't call super. As a result, transient ...

UPlacementSubsystem can return unintended factories from FindAssetFactoryFromAssetData

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 13, 2023

Factories registered to the PlacementSubsystem using  UPlacementSubsystem::RegisterAssetFactory will always be added to the end of the AssetFactories array. Which means if there are any existing reg ...

Replace Transform Track setting not used when importing FBX through scripting.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 16, 2024

Importing the fbx uses the default settings, which aren't accessed through scripting, so they cannot be changed. To circumvent this  MovieSceneToolHelpers::ImportFBXIfReady caches the defaults, and ...

Crash when createing a Landscape and the DisasterRecoveryClient plugin is enabled. In the editor appears as Recovery Hub.

When DistasterRecoveryClient (in editor called RecoveryHub) plugin is added to the project and the user creates a Landscape, a crash occurs. ...

Crash when moving a sprite imported as part of a spritesheet to another folder if the sprite names had invalid characters

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Oct 28, 2014

Attempting to move any of the sprites created from this .json to another folder from within the Content Browser crashes the project. CRASHREPORT: 442758 ...

Using The Draw line node over an image in UMG causes Graphical issues

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 12, 2015

Using the Drawn line node to draw a line over an image in UMG causes the viewport to display incorrectly. In 4.7 the lines also are not drawn. ...

Visual glitches on Mac OS X using an Intel GPU while playing HW accelerated H264 video

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 2, 2014

This looks to be a system driver bug, but logging here for transparency and future reference. It took me a long while to figure out that the key issue is a conflict during blit between UE4 and the H ...

OnDragDetected fires off with a single click for 3D widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 11, 2015

When Using the On Drag Detected on a 3D widget, the drag function fires off on a single click (No dragging necessary) ...

Negative scale causes green gradient and invisible if not selected

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 20, 2014

BRANCH: //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2254785 CHANGELIST: 2254785 BUILD TYPE: P4 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: Scaling widgets in UMG into a negative values (right < left) causes them to appear as a g ...