[CrashReport] UE4Editor_LevelEditor!FMulticastDelegateBase<FWeakObjectPtr>::RemoveAll() [multicastdelegatebase.h:81]

Tools - Oct 26, 2017

This is a trending crash in 4.18.0. One case of this callstack occurred in 4.17.1, but then numerous have occurred in 4.18. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash ...

ShaderCacheTool build fails

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 25, 2017

In 4.18 and 4.19, it is no longer possible to build the ShaderCacheTool. REGRESSION: Yes. The ShaderCacheTool builds successfully in 4.17.2. It looks like the missing MergeShaderCacheFiles property ...

Error on Loading Pawn Blueprint Containing ActorSequenceComponent from GameMode Constructor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 25, 2017

When attempting to load a Blueprint that contains a ActorSequence component from inside of a Gamemode's constructor, errors are given. The ActorSequence component is also removed from the Blueprint ...

Visual Studio opens unnecessary windows when adding a new C++ class via the editor's interface

Tools - Oct 25, 2017

When adding a new C++ class to a project via the editor's interface, Visual Studio is opened but it ends up opening more than is necessary. Firstly, Visual Studio is opened without focus on the two ...

Changing foliage quality during runtime crashes editor/game

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Oct 25, 2017

Editor will crash if a foliage type has Enable Scaling Density checked and user changes Engine Scalability Setting for Foliage during Runtime. Alternatively, if Foliage Quality is changed using a B ...

[CrashReport] Crash in PHAT on LeftMouse click while moving ragdoll asset during Simulate

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 25, 2017

Crash occurs in the updated Physics Asset Editor if you LeftClick while moving a ragdolled asset during Simulation. This is a regression from 4.17.2 User Descriptionsin the new physics asset edit ...

Hot reload of QAGame hangs the editor

UE - Audio - Oct 25, 2017

Any game module containing subclass of USoundWaveProcedural will hang after hot reload completes. QAGame defines UQASynthGenerator, which inherits USoundWaveProcedural. ...

AudioComponent generated by SpawnSoundAtLocation is can't destroy with DestroyComponent.

UE - Audio - Oct 25, 2017

AudioComponent generated by SpawnSoundAtLocation is can't destroy with DestroyComponent. When AudioComponent is generated, "AudioComponent-> bAllowAnyoneToDestroyMe" must be "True". ...

Materials with Subsurface Profile not affected by Opacity value

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 24, 2017

A material with Shading Model set to Subsurface Profile is no longer affected by Opacity value in 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19 (Main) but was previously working as intended in 4.16. This is a regression. ...

When Allow Sequencer Edits Only is Enabled Some Properties Do Not Revert to Original Values

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 23, 2017

Certain values for the PostProcessVolume do not revert back to original values after tracks are deleted from sequencer when in Allow Sequencer Edits Only mode ...